Mischaracterizing wildlife trade and its impacts may mislead policy processes (Open Access)

A systematic survey of online trade: Trade in Saiga antelope horn on Russian-language websites (Open Access)

Who eats wild meat? Profiling consumers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Open Access)

Uncovering prevalence of pangolin consumption using a technique for investigating sensitive behaviour (Open Access)

Evaluating a large-scale online behaviour change intervention aimed at wildlife product consumers in Singapore (Open Access)

Complex interactions between commercial and noncommercial drivers of illegal trade for a threatened felid

“Saving Lives, Protecting Livelihoods, and Safeguarding Nature”: Risk-Based Wildlife Trade Policy for Sustainable Development Outcomes Post-COVID-19

Investigating the risks of removing wild meat from global food systems (Open Access)

Using theory and evidence to design behaviour change interventions for reducing unsustainable wildlife consumption (Open Access)

Implementing the Ballot Box Method to reduce social desirability bias when researching sensitive behaviours in conservation